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Why Rats Hard to Eliminate in Rockville, MD? The Mistakes Keeping Them Around

Rats Hard to Eliminate


Rats are resilient pests that tend to adapt quickly, multiply rapidly, and can survive harsh weather conditions. A lot of people in Rockville try to eradicate rats only to find that the problem persists or gets worse. This usually results from common mistakes that allow rats to easily thrive instead of disappear. 

To effectively control rat populations in the long term, it is important to understand why rats are difficult to eradicate and identify the mistakes that keep them around. Also, knowing when to call experts at Green Pest Services is equally important. Rats may stick around if you are making any of the following mistakes:

Underestimating their Intelligence

Rats are highly intelligent creatures that can solve problems to avoid danger, seek food, and evade traps. According to studies, rats can recognize patterns, learn to distrust environmental objects, and remember previous experiences. 

Many homeowners assume that a rat trap will do the trick. But rats can recognize traps immediately and avoid them once they see their fellows getting caught. Placing traps incorrectly or using them without a strategic plan makes them ineffective over time. One mistake can make an entire population of rats trap-shy, which makes further remove more difficult. 

Using Only Poison

Poisons may seek a straightforward solution against rats. You just place bait stations and wait for rats to eat the bait. But such an approach does not always work as expected. 

A lot of rats have become resistant to common rodenticides, decreasing the effectiveness of over-the-counter poisons. Also, when rats consume a deadly dose of position but die in hard-to-reach areas, the decomposition process can result in unpleasant odors and secondary infestations when flies and other pests feast on the carcass. 

Another problem is that rats usually sample food before they commit to a full meal. Once they feel sick after consuming poisoned bait, they will avoid it. 

Not Addressing Entry Points

Rat elimination won’t solve the problems if rats still have access to your home. That is why you should block entry points. Even if you have trapped all rats inside your house, the problem persists as new ones can take their place when openings are not addressed. 

Rats can squeeze their bodies through tiny holes, allowing them to invade homes easily. Foundation cracks, uncovered vents, and pipe gaps offer easy access. 

Not Securing Food Sources

Rats stick around when they find something to eat. A lot of homeowners offer a steady supply of food that keeps rats well-fed and set up shop. You may leave pet food overnight, store cereals, grains, or dry goods in bags that rats can easily access, and keep garbage bins overflowing or uncovered. Even grease that builds up behind appliances can be a meal for rats. While you may successfully trap and bait rats, not eliminating food sources will attract new ones to your home. 

Failing to Address Nesting Areas

Rats invade homes also for shelter. If you do not disrupt their nesting sites, they will continuously breed and repopulate rapidly. Rat elimination becomes harder if you allow clutter to accumulate in your attic, garage, and basement, keep woodpiles, debris, and compost bins near the exterior of your house, and ignore burrows under sheds or in gardens. Also, storing cardboard boxes can make a space attractive for rats as they offer the ideal nesting materials. 

Not Using the Wrong Kind of Traps

Small mouse traps are not effective against bigger rats. Other people place traps incorrectly, decreasing their chances of success. To make sure your traps work effectively, use electronic or snap traps meant for rats. Also, position traps along the travel routes of rats such as along walls and baseboards. Bait traps with peanut butter, nuts, and other high-protein foods. Consider setting up several traps at once. 

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