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Best Way to Clean and Organize Your New Home After a Move

Best Way to Clean and Organize Your New Home


After moving into a new house, you want to settle in as fast as possible while keeping the experience as stress free as feasible. We’ve put together an eight-step action plan for you to clean, organize and stay cool on move-in day.

Start Organizing Before the Move

Organizing your new home might sometimes begin as you’re packing up your old one. According to experts, one out of every four Americans has a clutter problem, and they are probably correct. Remove all unloved toys, outdated cookware, paper files, and everything else from your packing boxes that you don’t need for your new life. Donate books to your local library, and donate unwanted clothes to charity. Allowing clutter to govern your life will make getting tidy after a move much easier.

Give your Home a Detailed Cleaning

The simplest house to clean is one that is not occupied. While your furniture is being delivered, shampoo the carpet if it is soiled. Also, mop the floors. While your belongings are still packed, have cleaning products on available to wipe down shelves, cupboards, drawers, and counter tops. Hire a cleaning agency if you can’t handle move-in cleaning during your move. As you unpack, it’s also a good idea to keep things organized and clean.

Locate the Must-Have Boxes

Remember those boxes of must-have items you packed for each family member—the ones with products you’ll need in your new house for the first few days? They’re known as “essentials boxes,” and now is the time to locate one. You’ll be able to enjoy your morning cup of coffee without having to look for the pot.

Place the Boxes in the Appropriate Room

Make a note of every room, including the basement, shed, attic, and pantry located in your new home. Determine what each space will be used for, such as allocating bedrooms for your family members, allocating spaces for an office or a guest bedroom, determining storage space, and designating multipurpose areas as a game room, a craft room, or something else.

As your boxes begin to emerge from the truck, place them in the appropriate room. On the outside, the boxes are most commonly labeled with a color code, a number, or a description. If each box does not already have a room name, write it on it so you can readily see which one goes where.

Before Unpacking Boxes, Place Rugs And Furniture

Place area rugs in rooms before arranging mattresses, dressers, couches, chairs, tables, desks, and other large furniture pieces. Once the large job is done, you’ll be able to shift minor items about much more easily.

Unpack Room By Room

Make a list of the rooms and create an unpacking order of which room will you . List frequently used rooms first, such as the bathroom and kitchen, then rooms in order of priority, ending with less-used rooms last, such as a library. Concentrate on organizing each individual room, which will free up time for spot cleaning. Move on to the next room once you’ve completed each one, happy that you’ve done a thorough job.

Begin with the Essentials

Unpack the essentials package next (or boxes). One of the first boxes off the truck, or one of the boxes you brought in the car, should be this one. These are the necessities for keeping your home operational in the near term. If you didn’t set aside a box or two for the necessities, look for boxes that contain everything you’ll need for at least a couple of nights. Basic hygiene, prescriptions, literature, important papers, phone and computer chargers, and some basic meal preparation tools are usually included among these basics.

Arrange and Assemble Your Furniture

If you got floor plan sketches of your new home before you moved, organizing furniture should be very simple. Make a systematic strategy to rearrange the furniture in the bedrooms, living room, and dining room so you only have to do it once. Large components that require mechanical construction, such as bookcases or entertainment centers, should be assembled only after you’ve decided where everything will go. Assembling massive items that may need to be disassembled and moved is a waste of time.

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