Before you get into repairing anything, it is better to turn off the power by turning the circuit breaker off. This circuit is present in the breaker box. You can also check the wires, but you should do so carefully. There is a voltage tester that can be used to check the cables and ensure that they are off.
In Idaho, problems with water heaters are pretty common and can happen due to various reasons. It may be because the water heater is not receiving enough water. Another reason is that the heating elements are not working right. You need to get to know where the problems lie first; then, you can only think about the solution.
Make sure you have checked for all the possible faults and have not left anything behind. Sometimes, the circuit breaker also trips; you will find it in the service panel. Look into it to ensure you have not missed anything there.
There is also a reset button that you can push, and it is red. If nothing works for you, then consider reaching out to Master Rooter Plumbing Services.
What are some common problems with water heaters, and how can you solve them?
There can be many common problems that may arise within the water heater; we will look at some of them below:
The heating system is not working:
If your water heater is not working, it will not heat the water. It can be because the heater is not getting the power, the limit switch might not be working, or there can be some other issue too. Another reason can be the heating elements within the heater are not working properly or not working at all.
- Make sure you have checked the circuit breaker, that it is working fine, and that it is not broken.
- If you do notice that the breaker has tripped off, then try switching it back off and then turning it on.
- Try resetting the high temperature; the limit is there on the heater. In order to make this happen, make sure you have turned off the power.
- The access panel should be removed, too.
- A red button can be used to reset the limit.
Hot water is not adequate:
The water heater might not have a proper amount of water in it. There is a chance that the water might be hot, but the level of water may not be adequate. You need to see where the problem lies. In order to make sure you are not getting it wrong, you need to eliminate all the other possible aspects.
- There might be a defect in the water heating element. You cannot repair with some DIY method. You will need a professional.
- In cases where the water is tepid and pouring an adequate amount of water, it can be because of the buildup. Flush all the water down and fill it again.
There is a leak in the water heater:
- If the plumbing connections are not right or there are leaking valves, that can be a problem. A leaking pipe might be causing the problem.
- Check if the pipe outlet is loose. You can make use of a wrench to tighten the loose connections.
- If you notice some other color in your water, it can be red but tinted or yellow, then there is a possibility it might be because of corrosion.
- You will need a plumber to get it fixed. An anode rod is present in the water heater, so you will need to get it replaced.
When to reach out to a professional?
Sometimes, DIY methods do not come to use, and in some cases, you cannot use them at all. That is when reaching out to a professional, which is what is considered best. Thus, get in touch with them as soon as you notice a problem and fix it. They can help with all the possible water heater problems.